Thursday, June 16, 2011

Count it all joy

Some weeks are way easier than others. Just ask Anthony Weiner about the past few weeks. I don't know about you, but when I look at what I'm going through and what the Congressman is going through, I can feel just a little better about the things I am facing. Even so, their are some days when comparing our hard times to someone else's will not help. Our work environment becomes hostile. The future suddenly seems uncertain or frighteningly certain. Maybe someone you know is killed or you find out that you have cancer. A family member has a miscarriage or you find out a friend has been talking about you behind your back.  In all these situations, our natural inclination is to let those situations get us down. But interestingly enough, God says:
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 
This is exactly what we would NOT think to do. I don't want to consider it joy when bad things happen. Those things aren't joyful! Why would God ask us to do something so...unnatural? Well, here's the thing: if you are a believer, YOU don't do too many things other than trust Jesus and when you do trust Him, he begins to turn your world upside down. As followers of Christ, we begin to see the world as less chaotic and more sovereignly controlled by our awesome God. Why can trials and tests and bad situations be joyful? Because we know our God is in control, but not only that: when we live in Christ and let Him have control, those tests and trials refine us and make us stronger. When Satan is allowed by God to bring bad situations to us, those things that the world would see as destructive are actually constructive when we live in Jesus.  Remember: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 

I encourage you all to let the power of Christ lead you. Don't have any confidence in your own ability, but rather Christ's ability through you! 


Jonathan "J" said...

we christian are a weird bunch, being happy in trials , lol

Ryan McAllister said...

agreed prince J, agreed.