Friday, September 18, 2009

A New Direction

God has been doing some awesome stuff in my life the past few months. My internship at Manassas Baptist has been just awesome and I have learned so much there. Unfortunately, it looks like I will not be there much longer. Leaving that church will be hard, especially because I have developed relationships with the kids. But God is leading, and I know that the only thing I can do is follow because I want to be with Him every step of the way. So, that leads me to some other updates.

A couple of weeks ago, I e-mailed a pastor (Dave Waters of Sunset Hills Baptist in Alexandria) asking him if their church needed help with their youth group (I had heard that they were looking for a part-time youth guy). He e-mail me back with, "We have things covered." I e-mailed back with "ok! God speed!" (these e-mails were longer and more detailed, but those are the basics). A couple of days later, I received an e-mail from this pastor again, saying that he wanted to meet and have lunch. So, we met and things went really well. I turns out that although they were kinda set, they are a bit unsure about the future. So we talked and got to know each other (for only three hours). He told me that if in praying about this He feels that God is wanting us to move forward, we will. The next morning, I got an e-mail saying "let's move forward."
Amy and I had dinner with Pastor Waters and his wife. It was a great meeting. Afterwards, Amy seemed fairly excited about this job. For me, that was a good confirmation. I felt that God was leading us this way, but to see Amy get excited is always a good sign! Later that week, I got another e-mail saying that we should take the next step and I will be meeting with Sunset Hills deacons next Thursday. I am very excited about all of this, but I need all of your prayers! Pray that I continue to focus on God's leading and that I honor Him every step of the way.
There are some other things that are moving as well. In talking with Pastor Bradley during marriage counseling, I have learned about a new ministry starting up on George Mason's campus. Most of this is still in the works and I think some aspects will be a struggle, but God will provide. Please pray for this ministry and for everyone involved in it. I will talk about it more later.

Now, on to some things I will be covering in upcoming posts. I just started reading Bart Ehrman's book "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why" and I want to go through this book on the blog, so be on the look out for my thoughts on the Introduction, coming sometime next week!

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